To find out when tickets go on sale, search for the event on or on our app and carefully review the onsale information on the event page. All times listed on the site are shown in the local timezone.
Stay up to date by adding artists, teams, venues or shows to your Ticketmaster favourites and sign up for alerts. You can also follow @TicketmasterZA on Twitter and Facebook or join your favourite artist’s fan club.
Before the sale tips:
- Sign in or create a Ticketmaster account. Have your password handy or reset it in advance to avoid any delays.
- Ensure your billing and delivery details are up to date.
- Have a back-up plan - if the show you wanted sells out, have a second venue or date in mind to book!
- Double-check your time zones to make sure you’re selecting your desired event and venue.
- Download the Ticketmaster app so you can manage your tickets from your device.